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[mk_padding_divider size=”90″][mk_fancy_title color=”#ffffff” size=”43″ font_weight=”200″ font_family=”none” align=”center”]Awardees[/mk_fancy_title][mk_padding_divider size=”90″]
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[mk_fancy_title strip_tags=”true” style=”true” color=”#5e535c” size=”22″ font_weight=”400″ txt_transform=”uppercase” margin_bottom=”0″ font_family=”none” align=”center”]2023-2024 Awardees[/mk_fancy_title]

Promoting a Conducive Academic Environment by Addressing Campus Interpersonal Violence at an Indian Higher Education Institution 

Dr. Melissa Reneaux is the PI for the project “Promoting a Conducive Academic Environment by Addressing Campus Interpersonal Violence at an Indian Higher Education Institution”. Her research team is based in India and includes co-investigators Dr. Jayasree Anitha Menon, Yamini Negi, and Dr. Veena Krishnan.  

 The project aims to (1) Identify manifestations and underlying causes of campus Interpersonal violence (IpV), (2) Formulate a student-friendly online module addressing various forms of IpV, (3) Assess the feasibility and acceptability of this intervention, and (4) Propose institutional policy recommendations for addressing IpV. A multi-step approach will be employed, beginning with online surveys to understand prevalent forms of IpV. Collaboration with the student advisory committee and key stakeholders will inform the development of an interactive online module. Student-led initiatives, including workshops, awareness programs, and town hall discussions, will complement the mandatory online modules. Interventions will be piloted and evaluated using surveys, focus group discussions, and Likert scale assessments. This work will inform policy recommendations and findings will be disseminated nationally and internationally. Dr. Reneaux’s team hopes to transform how issues of IpV are approached and resolved nationally by proactively introducing comprehensive policies and awareness initiatives.

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[mk_padding_divider size=”60″][mk_fancy_title strip_tags=”true” size=”28″ font_weight=”300″ margin_bottom=”30″ font_family=”none” align=”center”]THE TEAM[/mk_fancy_title][mk_employees column=”4″ grayscale_image=”false” orderby=”post__in” employees=”891, 898, 901, 894″][mk_padding_divider size=”80″]

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