Global College Campus Violence Prevention Network

Building global partnerships to ensure college and university campuses are safe and equitable, worldwide.

About Us

Our Mission

To build global partnerships to ensure college and university campuses are safe and equitable, worldwide.

Our Vision

The Global College Campus Violence Prevention Network seeks to prevent sexual, intimate partner and dating violence, sexual harassment, and other forms of sexual misconduct on college and university campuses, worldwide. We unite individuals and groups conducting (or intending to conduct) implementation research to inform and advocate for policies, programs, and practices to prevent and improve responses to campus-based violence. We envision all institutions of higher education as environments of learning, safety, respect, integrity, and equity.

Our Values

We promote safety, dignity, and wellbeing by bringing people together who are committed to preventing campus-based violence across the world. We are intersectional, culturally humble, evidence-based and healing-centered.

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Jennifer Wagman, Director

Who are we?

The Global Seed Grant program involves sending out a call for proposals from international university partners from low- and middle-income countries to conduct research to strengthen their campus’ prevention and response to sexual assault, harassment, stalking, and dating violence. New and early-career investigators are paired with a WHGE-COE senior mentor. In 2018-2019, four Sub-Saharan African Universities were funded, with awards up to $25,000 USD. In 2019-2020, three Universities from Colombia, Mexico, and Kyrgyzstan were awarded up to $50,000 USD. The grant enables researchers to conduct projects that will address and prevent sexual and gender-based violence on their campuses.


The Global College Campus Violence Prevention (GCVP) Network was established in 2018, to bring together people who are interested in understanding, preventing, and improving response to sexual assault, dating violence, sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct on college and university campuses across the world. The network is made up of students, staff, faculty members, other educators and scholars, health providers, lawyers, policymakers, artists, advocates and activists, philanthropists, and others who are all committed to preventing violence through research. We recognize there is immense mutual advantage of sharing knowledge and resources to address locally and globally relevant scientific and public health questions related to sexual violence and intimate and sexual relationship health. Thus, we launched the Network to create virtual and in-person spaces for sharing ideas, lessons and tools, and cultivating relationships to ensure institutions of higher education are environments of learning, safety, respect, integrity, and equity.

In 2018, we established the International Pilot Grant Program to support investigators from low- and middle-income countries to assess the scope of campus-based sexual and intimate partner violence, and/or design or improve programs or institutional policies to prevent and respond to violence and assault, and/or evaluate existing campus-based violence prevention interventions.

Outside of our seven International Pilot Grant Program awardees, we are proud to host two partner campuses, one from Eswatini and another from Kenya. If you are interested in joining the GCVP Network as a partner campus, please contact our team at





Network Manager


Network Coordinator


Graduate Student Coordinator


Student Coordinator


Network Advisor


Network Advisor


Network Advisor

Where are we?

Our Blog

    Let's Connect

    We recognize there is immense mutual advantage of sharing knowledge and resources to address locally and globally relevant scientific and public health questions related to sexual violence and intimate and sexual relationship health. Thus, we launched the Network to create virtual and in-person spaces for sharing ideas, lessons and tools, and cultivating relationships among those working to ensure institutions of higher education are environments of learning, safety, respect, integrity and equity. Join the GCVP Network!

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