Shirelle Mizrahi, BAGraduate Student Coordinator

Shirelle Mizrahi, BA, is enrolled in the Master degree program at the University of California, Los Angeles, in the Department of Community Health Sciences (MPH). She received her Bachelor of Arts in Global Health from the University of California, San Diego. She has recently begun her role as a Graduate Student Researcher at the Fielding School of Public Health in the Department of Community Health Sciences, under Dr. Jennifer Wagman. She also works at Public Good Projects (PGP) as a Research Intern, analyzing the spread of dis- and mis- information concerning COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccinations on social media channels. Her research interests include reproductive and mental health, particularly as it relates to marginalized populations. Additionally, she is interested in the ways that gender and sexual identity can increase barriers to accessing quality health care. She has previously worked as a sexual violence Research Assistant at the University of California, San Diego Center for Gender Equity and Health (GEH).

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